Travels around the earth by water, land and air.
How far can one stretch the “alternative” in facts, before the average critical mind becomes aware that it has been taken hostage?
I decided to go on a trip, step into Munchhausen’s footsteps, and follow one strict rule of the cinema verité: I took my camera and really tried to be honest, hence and produce the truth and then expose it.
True Trips is a totally true travel diary, it documents stations of our journey. Like indian damask elephants racing through the deserted streets of a saltpeter intoxicated phantom city in Chile , vandalized artworks experiencing a phallic resurrection that even César de Vedôme could not have staged better , Lady Liberty leaving NYC to go where democracy is finally deliberate…
Land of the truth, Land of Lies or Lands of confusion?
Join in on my poetic-dystopic vogage, told in a collection of 31 postcards or animations.
I may or may not have modified facts in such a way that they resemble truth more than reality.
The visuals live in the real and the digital world, they exist as a postcards as well a video, both are vehicles for you to share your true, fake, exaggerated, humble messages. Post it !